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Christmas Tree Collection

Live-cut Christmas Trees will be collected the first & second Wednesdays in January.  Trees must be at the curb by 6:00 AM and free of ALL decoration. Please see Public Works for more information.


Christmas Tree Collection

Live-cut Christmas Trees will be collected the first & second Wednesdays in January.  Trees must be at the curb by 6:00 AM and free of ALL decoration. Please see Public Works for more information.

Spring Bulk Waste Collection-Tuesday or Wednesday trash customers

If your regular trash day is Tuesday or Wednesday, your Spring Bulk Waste Collection Day will be Wednesday, April 21, 2021.  For Thursday trash customers, Bulk Waste Day is Wednesday, April 28, 2021. Please see the Holiday and Special Collection Schedule for important information about Bulk Waste Collection.

Spring Bulk Waste Collection-Thursday trash customers

For Thursday trash customers, Bulk Waste Day is Wednesday, April 28, 2021. If your regular trash day is Tuesday or Wednesday, your Spring Bulk Waste Collection Day is Wednesday, April 21, 2021.Please see the Holiday and Special Collection Schedule for important information about Bulk Waste Collection.