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Berlin Spring Celebration

Downtown Berlin 14 South Main Street, Berlin, MD, United States

Come to Downtown Berlin for games, crafts, face painting, egg hunt, Bonnet Parade and more. The Egg Hunt at the Taylor House Museum starts at 1pm and the talent show follows. Sponsored by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce.

Closed Session of the Mayor & Council

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, General Provisions Article, §3-305(b): (1) To discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of appointees, employees, or officials over whom this public body has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals; Discussion item: Draft Wage Compensation and […]

Work Session of the Mayor & Council

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

Utilities Fund Budget Work Session (Electric, Water, Wastewater, and Storm Water Funds).   Work Session to be held in the Town Hall Council Chambers. The meeting is open to public attendance; Public participation is at the discretion of the Mayor.  

Community Meeting

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

In collaboration with the Town of Berlin and the Maryland Coastal Bays Program, EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. will conduct a Community Meeting to review upcoming Town of Berlin stormwater management projects. Public attendance is encouraged; the Meeting will not be live-streamed on Facebook. Please Note: Members of the Town of Berlin Mayor & […]

Berlin Growth Discussion Meeting

13 Harrison Avenue, Berlin, MD, 21811, United States 13 Harrison Avenue, Berlin, MD, 21811, United States

Please Note: Members of the Town of Berlin Mayor & Council may be in attendance. This notice is posted in the interest of transparency since there may be a quorum of the Council in attendance at the meeting.