Hurricane Irene is expected to hit this area sometime over the weekend. The Mayor and Council would like to strongly urge all residents to take steps to prepare for the possibility of a powerful hurricane event by taking the following precautions:

Move items such as outdoor toys, trash cans, furniture, grills, etc. into a garage or shed, or otherwise secure these items.
Remember that power outages may occur and make sure that you have prescription medications on hand/filled, non-perishable foods, bottled water, batteries, flashlights, etc.
Fill vehicle gas tanks
Have some cash on hand (if power is out, credit cards/ATMS will not work)
Secure important documents such as deeds, titles, medical documents, etc.
Don’t forget your pet’s needs.

For much more thorough information on preparedness, local shelters and storm tracking please visit the websites below. In case of emergency, please call the Berlin Police Department at 410-641-1333.


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