1. Intended Use
    1. Meeting rooms are available on the 2nd floor at Berlin Town Hall, 10 William Street, Berlin, Maryland 21811. Organizations and individuals may reserve one or both of these rooms for government, educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities, or general meetings.
    2. When space is available, meeting rooms are made available to the public regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. Permission to use a meeting room does not constitute an endorsement by the Mayor and Council of Berlin of the program or point of view expressed.
    3. There will be no sales of products or services and no collection of admission fees, except for continuing education/certification programs in which admission fees cover the cost of supplies and materials. The organization which reserves the meeting room will notify the Town upon reservation of any and all fees to be associated with the activities for which the meeting room is requested; this shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, membership fees, material fees, monies collected informally for expenses such as refreshments. No funds/donations may be solicited or collected at the Town except for fundraising activities previously expressly approved by the Town of Berlin.
    4. Meeting rooms cannot be used for purely social purposes which include but are not limited to parties or events (e.g. weddings).
  2. Policy
    1. Prior to the initial use of the meeting room, the organization must complete an application to verify eligibility and to identify a contact person. The application must be renewed whenever the contact person for the group changes or at least annually. The Town Administrator or designee will approve the application if it is determined that the organization is qualified according to this policy.
    2. Town meetings and events have first priority for the use of the rooms for official Town business. The Town reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule a meeting room reservation by another organization.
    3. Organizations using a room during regular business hours recognize the need to hold their meetings in a manner that is not disruptive to Town business. Excessive noise and staff interruptions are not allowed.
    4. It shall be the responsibility of the organizer to notify attendees of any cancellation, re-scheduling or alternate meeting location. Town staff is not to be expected to provide assistance to attendees.
    5. Any group that reserves a meeting room agrees to inform the Town as soon as possible if it becomes necessary to cancel or re-schedule an event. A pattern of cancellations or several cancellations with little or no notice may lead to the imposition of fees, the loss of meeting privileges, or both.
    6. Any meeting or event in a Town meeting room is open to anyone who may choose to attend.
    7. Reservations for meeting rooms will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations can be made up to 12 months in advance. When the group contact changes the application must be renewed to include new contact information.
    8. Use of the meeting room before or after normal operating hours of the Town is not permitted.
    9. The Town of Berlin and employees assume no responsibility for the actions, opinions, or expressed points of view of the organizations that sponsor or host meetings or the individuals who attend meetings and events on Town premises.
  3. Liability
    1. The Town of Berlin assumes no responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to personal items, equipment, or vehicles in the parking lot. Signing of the application by an individual or any representative of the group and/or organization releases the Town of Berlin of any responsibility for damage or loss suffered during the period of agreement. The individual and/or organization shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town of Berlin, elected officials, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, actions of any kind, arising and resulting and accruing from any negligent act, omission or error of the individual and/or organization resulting in or relating to personal injuries or property damage arising from the use of the Town’s meeting room.
  4. Non-Endorsement
    1. Permission to reserve and use a space does not constitute an endorsement by the Town of Berlin of the group, program or point of view expressed. The name of the Town of Berlin may not be used in any publicity for non-Town sponsored or co-sponsored meeting except to designate the meeting location. The Town may not be identified as a co-sponsor of a meeting without prior written approval.
  5. Charges
    1. Government entities may reserve a meeting room at no charge.
    2. A certified non-profit group may reserve a meeting room with no charge up to six times in a 12-month period. Meetings beyond the sixth may be permitted on a space-available basis and will require advance payment of a $10.00 fee. Verification of certification as a non-profit will be required to be submitted with the reservation application.
    3. All other groups, organizations or individuals may reserve a meeting room for up to four hours on a given day with advance payment of a $25.00 fee for each reservation. Time periods beyond four hours on a given day will be assessed an additional fee of $25.00 with all periods rounded to four-hour increments.
    4. If a meeting is cancelled, whether by the Town or the meeting organizer, any fee paid for that specific reservation shall be refunded. If a meeting is rescheduled, whether by the Town or the meeting organizer, no refund shall be issued.
    5. The Town Administrator has final discretion as to the classification of groups, organizations, or individuals as applicable to the terms outlined above.
  6. General Rules and Regulations
    1. The maximum capacity is 80 persons; occupancy for any period of time for more than that number of persons is prohibited.
    2. A meeting room reservation is not confirmed until payment is made (as applicable) and written confirmation is provided by the Town of Berlin to the requesting contact.
    3. All public notices, flyers, news releases and announcements about meetings must make clear who is the sponsoring body is and must not create an impression that the program or meeting is a Town sponsored event.
    4. Any group that uses a Town meeting room agrees to be responsible for setting up the room as it wishes and returning the room to its original condition.
    5. Any group that uses a Town meeting room agrees to be responsible for any damage to the room, furnishings, furniture, or equipment during the time of the group’s use.
    6. Individuals may use cameras, tape recorders or other devices to create sound and/or visual records of all or portions of a meeting if such recording is acceptable to the person conducting the meeting. If such activity is not acceptable to the person conducting the meeting and if it is not protected by relevant local, state, or federal law, then such recording will not be permitted. Town staff may exercise discretion about the placement of cameras and recording equipment to ensure safety and comfort of those attending the meeting.
    7. Use of the kitchen facilities is prohibited; no food or beverages are allowed except bottled water.
    8. Meeting attendees are to park in the parking lot of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, located at Bay and Church Streets, unless otherwise informed that a church activity or event prohibits such. Should the Town be made aware of a church activity or event scheduled at the same time as a meeting reservation, the Town shall inform the user accordingly and the parking area at Town Hall may be utilized.  This parking prohibition shall not apply to disabled individuals attending the meeting in question.
    9. Use of the recording and/or projection system present in the Council Chambers is prohibited. Organizations may bring their own equipment for these purposes. Disconnection/relocation of any wiring, electric cords or other items present in the room for Town purposes is prohibited. Should the group using the Council Chambers disconnect, relocate, or in any way tamper with any wiring, electric cords or other items present in the room for Town purposes, the Town reserves the right to pass along the cost of any outside contractor brought in to repair or correct the wiring, etc.  Failure to pay such charges shall result in the organization being prohibited from future use of the room and forfeiture of any monies paid for future reservations.
    10. Alterations to the settings of the climate control system are prohibited.

Town Calendar

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

Calendar of Events

M Mon

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W Wed

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F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

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Closed Session of the Mayor & Council

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1 event,

Presidents Day

Presidents Day

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