Posted on March 20, 2012
The University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center will hold an additional Public Outreach Meeting at St. Paul’s United Methodist on Flower Street to discuss Stormwater Management and the Pilot Stormwater Study being conducted by the University.
A hand-delivered notice will be provided to residents of the districts and attendance is strongly encouraged.
The meeting will start at 5:30 PM. The purpose of the meeting will be to:
1. Talk with the University of Maryland project team about the Stormwater Feasibility Project;
2. Learn more about the water quality impacts of stormwater; and
3. Share with the project team how stormwater impacts you and your neighborhood.
4. Share needs for community improvements.
Please plan to attend this meeting to learn more about stormwater and to share your views with the project team and town officials. For further information, please contact Town Administrator Tony Carson at 410-641-2770.
Categories: News