Thurs., Oct. 25, 2012 – The National Weather service radar indicates the potential for significant storm activity over the coming weekend related to Hurricane Sandy. While different models are indicating several potential paths for the storm, it is wise to be reasonably prepared. Berlin officials wish to remind our citizens that emergency information can be obtained from the following sources:

Phone: Worcester Emergency Hotline – 410-632-2751

Radio: FM 104.7 WQHQ
FM 89.5 WSCL
FM 97.1 WQJZ
AM 1670 WQKF (Ocean City)

Television: WBOC-TV – Comcast channel 06
WMDT-TV – Comcast channel 07

Up to date storm information can be obtained via the radio or television stations above or on the Weather Channel (Comcast channel 02).

It is best to prepare for the possibility of the storm well before the storm arrives. Because of the possibility of significant wind/rainfall, you are advised to secure outdoor items such as trash cans, lawn furniture, toys/bikes, etc. as even very heavy objects can be thrown by hurricane-force winds, damaging property and possibly causing injury or death. For more information, please visit the Worcester County Emergency Services website for an excellent guide on emergency preparedness.

In the event of landfall in our area, we wish to remind you of the following:

DO NOT touch or even approach downed UTILITY LINES. Even if they are not obviously “live”, such as giving off sparks, these lines are EXTREMELY dangerous.
DO NOT drive through high WATER. Even if you feel that you are familiar with the road and know how deep the water is, it is possible that the roadway has collapsed under the water where you cannot see.

If this storm does affect our area, it is expected to have the most impact over the weekend. Please call the Berlin Police Department at 410-641-1333 to report unsafe conditions such as downed lines, trees or other debris on lines, etc.

Much more information about emergency preparedness is available at the Worcester County Emergency Services website .


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