US 113 pedestrian improvements on track for spring installation.

Berlin Town Administrator Laura Allen announced this morning the crosswalk legislation that was being considered, but failed to pass, in the Maryland General Assembly, has no impact whatsoever on the new crosswalk and other pedestrian safety improvements along US 113 in the Town of Berlin.

“Our community is partnering very effectively with the State Highway Administration. SHA has assured us that the improvements are on schedule to be completed this spring, as originally planned,” Ms. Allen stated.

“In fact, they’ve almost finished the new ADA compliant sidewalks with direct access to US 113 on MD 376 (Bay Street) and within the next couple of weeks SHA plans to install crosswalks across US 113 at the intersection,” she added.

Other planned pedestrian safety improvements include: reducing the speed limit along US 113 within the Berlin Town limits to 45 mph within a month, as well as providing additional signage to alert motorists of the new crosswalk and lower speed limit. In about six months SHA expects to install countdown signals at the intersection, as originally promised.

Ms. Allen further stated, “Of course all of this work is weather dependent, and Mother Nature has put some real challenges in front of us this year, but our community shares SHA’s hope that spring weather has finally arrived and will allow these much needed improvements to proceed as planned.”


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