For Information Contact:

Town Administrator Laura Allen


[email protected]


Berlin Begins Installation of LED Lights

Grant funded project to save $11,000 annually


(October 19, 2016)  – The Berlin Electric Department has started installing LED lights on north Main St. as part of the Town’s commitment to reduce its energy consumption by 15% by 2020, announced Town Administrator Laura Allen.

“The lights are funded through a $25,000 Maryland Smart Energy Communities (MSEC) Grant.  We also used the funding to pay for lighting improvements in the Welcome Center.  As a result, we’ll save $11,000 and reduce our energy consumption by 85,145 kilowatt hours (kWh) each year,” she said.

Town staff met with the Historic District Commission several times to discuss the lighting change on Main St.  A sample light bulb was installed in the street light in front of Town Hall as a pilot for several months to enable the Commission and members of the public to get a sense of what the new lights would look like.  “A majority of the Commission has been supportive of the LED light installation,” she added.

The Berlin Police Department has also been supportive.  “One of the best deterrents to crime is proper lighting,” stated Police Chief Arnold Downing.

Once the Electric Department is finished with the downtown area, they will move to change the street lights in Town subdivisions.



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