Office of the Mayor

Press Release


For Information Contact:

Town Administrator Laura Allen


[email protected]

Berlin Receives $75,000 Stormwater Grant

Partnership with Maryland Coastal Bays generates funding for Graham Avenue Project

(December 14, 2018) — The Town of Berlin received a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust for $75,000 to construct a submerged gravel wetland on Graham Avenue, announced Mayor Gee Williams.

The Town partnered with Maryland Coastal Bays (MCB) to put the grant application together.  MCB will take the lead on the public outreach component of the project.

“Partnerships continue to keep us cool,” said Mayor Gee Williams.  “We look forward to working with Maryland Coastal Bays to address flooding around Graham Avenue and Grice Street,” he added.

The grant provides funding for public outreach and community engagement around stormwater issues as well as the construction of a submerged gravel wetland on property the Town owns between Graham Avenue and Old Ocean City Boulevard.

“Berlin is known as a leader in local government stormwater management in Maryland,” said Town Administrator Laura Allen.  “We were unsuccessful with the first round of grants we submitted earlier this year.  It just goes to show how persistence and partnerships pay off,” she added.

The project is expected to be completed by September 1, 2019.



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