For Information Contact:

Town Administrator Laura Allen


[email protected]


Cable Franchise Agreement Public Hearing

Berlin to discuss Comcast Franchise Agreement March 25, 2019 at 7 p.m.

 (March 1, 2019) — The Town of Berlin is in the process of renewing the franchise agreement with Comcast and will be holding a public hearing on March 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. during the regular Mayor and Council Meeting.

Public testimony is encouraged during this process. The Mayor and Council will take this opportunity to consider factors such as Comcast’s compliance with the current agreement, quality of service, including signal quality; response to consumer complaints, and billing practices (excluding rates); whether they can provide the services, facilities, and equipment as agreed and whether they can reasonably meet the future cable-related community needs and interests.

Berlin Mayor Gee Williams said, “The renewal of the franchise agreement is a negotiation process and public input is important.  The Public Hearing offers the perfect opportunity for our citizens to make us aware of their concerns, if any.”  The Mayor also noted that, even if individuals are not able to attend the actual hearing, input can be provided in writing and will be made part of the official record.  Comments can be sent to: Town of Berlin, Attn:  Laura Allen, Town Administrator, 10 William Street, Berlin, MD 21811 or [email protected].



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