For more information regarding this release contact:
Contact Person: Mary Bohlen, Deputy Town Administrator
Phone Number: 410-641-4314
Email: [email protected]

Friday, January 7, 2022

For Immediate Release…

Berlin Town Offices to Remain Closed

Berlin, MD  – In response to Governor Larry Hogan’s January 4, 2022 Declaration of a State of Emergency, Mayor Zack Tyndall has directed Town Hall, the Planning Department and the Visitor Center to close or remain closed to the public until at least February 3, 2022 and for public meetings of the Mayor and Council and boards or commissions to begin meeting virtually.

While the Planning Department and Visitor Center have remained open to the public during regular business hours, Town Hall has been open to the public only on Wednesdays since late November. Mayor Tyndall noted that several Town Hall employees tested positive for COVID-19 and, out of concern for staff and our residents and business owners, Town Hall was closed to the public with the intent to review that decision following the New Year Holiday. In an effort to ensure the daily operations of the Town and continuity of our local government, Town Hall, the Planning Department and the Visitor Center will be closed to the public for the next 30-days.

Staff will report for work as normal and no other services, such as trash or recycling collection, will be impacted.  The Town offers online bill payment and drop boxes are located at the corner of Bay and William Street on the building, and by the stair tower off the parking area between Bay and Pitts Streets.

Virtual access to public meetings is available through the Town’s website at or via @townofberlinmd on Facebook.

Anyone with any questions, should contact Town Hall at 410-641-2770.




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Calendar of Events

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Closed Session of the Mayor & Council

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Presidents Day

Presidents Day

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