For more information, contact:
Kate Daub, Special Projects Administrator
[email protected]

For Immediate Release…

Berlin Municipal Election
District 3 remains only contested race

Berlin, MD – The Town of Berlin announces that the District 3 Council Seat will be the only contested race in the upcoming municipal election. As both the Office of the Mayor and the District 2 Council Seat are uncontested, in accordance with Berlin Town Code, the candidates for these positions will be automatically declared winners.

Following the deadline for write-in candidates on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, no additional candidates have emerged for the mayoral or District 2 seats. Consequently, voters in Districts 1, 2, and 4 will not need to cast ballots on Election Day. The only vote required will be in District 3, where the council seat remains contested.

The candidates for the District 3 seat are as follows:


Shaneka Nahkia Nichols
Daniel J. Packey

Election Day is Tuesday, October 1, 2024. The polling location for District 3 is at St. Paul United Methodist Church, 405 Flower Street.

In addition, the Town of Berlin reminds voters of the upcoming deadline to submit an application for Mail-In Voting for the October 1, 2024, Municipal Election. The deadline for in-person submission is 4:00 PM, Friday, September 27, 2024, and completed applications must be hand-delivered to Berlin Town Hall, 10 William Street, Berlin, MD. Once processed the appropriate ballot will be handed directly to the applicant.

Special Projects Administrator Kate Daub advised, “Due to the limited time remaining to mail applications and write-in ballots, voters wishing to vote by write-in ballot must visit Town Hall to submit or complete their application in person.” She emphasized that voters should not use the payment drop boxes to submit their applications. Once submitted and verified in person, voters will receive their write-in ballots at that time. She also reminds voters that application to vote by Mail-In Ballot for the Berlin Municipal Election is completely separate from the mail-in voting process for national, state, or county elections.

Town Hall is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, for voters who need to submit their applications in person.

For appropriate forms, or if there are any questions regarding Berlin’s municipal elections, please contact Kate Daub at 410-641-4002 or email [email protected]. Or visit and select “Municipal Elections.”



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