The next regular Berlin Municipal Election is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, 2024 for the Office of Mayor and for the Districts 2 and 3 Council Seats. 

Other Elections: The Town of Berlin has no involvement in county, state or national elections. For information regarding those elections, please contact the Worcester Board of Elections at 410-632-1320 or visit

Candidate Opinions/Goals: The Town of Berlin does not provide information regarding candidates’ opinions or goals. Providing such information would not be possible without creating a conflict of interest or an appearance of bias.  It is up to the individual candidate to get their message out to potential voters. Many candidates have websites or Facebook pages where information can be found regarding their stance on various topics or where contact information can be found. If scheduled, candidate forums are held by entities or organizations completely separate from the Town. 

General Election Information

In addition to a Mayor and At-Large (representing the entire Town) Councilmember, the Town of Berlin is divided into four voting districts, each represented by one Councilmember selected by the registered voters of that district.  Municipal elections are held every even-numbered year, with alternating officials being elected to serve four-year terms.  Example:  In 2022 the offices of At-large, District 1 and District 4 Councilmembers will be on the ballot; in 2024, it will be the offices of Mayor and Districts 2 and 3 Councilmember members.

Polling Places:

Districts 1 & 2 – Buckingham Presbyterian Church, 20 S. Main Street
Districts 3 & 4 – St. Paul United Methodist Church, 405 Flower Street

District Information:

If you are unsure of your Town of Berlin voting district, the information can be found on the back of your voter registration card or click here. If you need further assistance, please call Special Projects Administrator Kate Daub at 410-641-4002 or email [email protected]. Please include your street address in your email to speed our reply.

For information about Board of Supervisors of Elections, please visit the Board and Commissions meetings page.

To obtain election-related forms, or for more information, please contact Special Projects Administrator, Kate Daub. Phone: 410-641-4002 Email:

Town Calendar

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Events Calendar

Calendar of Events

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Closed Session of the Mayor & Council

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Presidents Day

Presidents Day

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