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Christmas Tree Collection

Live-cut Christmas Trees will be collected the first & second Wednesdays in January.  Trees must be at the curb by 6:00 AM and free of ALL decoration. Please see Public Works for more information.

Executive Session


6:30 PM               EXECUTIVE SESSION – Via Zoom          STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, State of Maryland General Provisions Article, §3-305(b)                      Pursuant to Section §3-305(b)(14) Before a contract is awarded or bids are opened, to discuss a matter directly related to a negotiating strategy or the contents of a bid or proposal, if public discussion or disclosure […]

Board of Zoning Appeals

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

Public Hearing: Board of Zoning Appeals 02/03/2021 5:30PM.  For details about participating in the public hearing, please view the Public Meeting Packet via the link below.

Closed Session of the Mayor & Council

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

This meeting closed under the following provisions of General Provisions Article § 3-305(b)(14) : Before a contract is awarded or bids are opened, to discuss a matter directly related to a negotiating strategy or the contents of a bid or proposal, if public discussion or disclosure would adversely impact the ability of the public body […]