Town Hall
10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States
Closed Session Agenda: STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, General Provisions Article, §3- 305(b): To discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of appointees, employees, or officials over whom this public body has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals; Town Administrator contract […]
Town Hall
10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States
STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, General Provisions Article, §3-305(b): (7) To consult with counsel to obtain legal advice on a legal matter; i. Agreement regarding use of Town-owned property.
Closed Session Agenda: STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, General Provisions Article, §3- 305(b): To discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of appointees, employees, or officials over whom this public body has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals; Town Administrator contract […]
Most Town Offices Closed. Commercial Trash AND Recycling will be collected on Tues, Feb 18. No commercial trash or recycling collection on Mon, Feb 17.