JUNE 2, 2015 – The Berlin Arts & Entertainment District has been chosen by the Maryland State Arts Council and the Department of Business and Economic Development for re-designation as an Arts & Entertainment District for the State of Maryland.

The mission of the Arts & Entertainment District is to engage the community to develop downtown Berlin by capitalizing on its cultural and historic assets, and encouraging creative enterprises that foster economic vitality. With key anchor sites that include The Worcester County Arts Council, The Globe, Baked Dessert Café and Gallery, Bungalow Love, the forthcoming art gallery, Art in the Fields and Jeffery Auxer Blown Glass, the re-designation will assist the town in attracting a high concentration of artists, and arts & entertainment businesses.

Such enterprises can take advantage of various tax benefits and, in turn, stimulate revitalization by developing underused and vacant properties for artist studio space, affordable housing, performance venues, galleries, and other creative commercial and retail enterprises.

“The A&E re-designation is a tribute to many talented people who have made this possible. It also signifies the even greater cultural and economic potential arts and entertainment offers for our citizens and guests for generations to come,” said Gee Williams, Mayor of the Town of Berlin.

Ivy Wells, Berlin Director of Economic and Community Development, said, “The arts are important to our economy and provide a direct economic benefit to our town. They create jobs, attract public and private investment, generate tax revenues and stimulate our local economy through tourism and consumer purchases.” We have an extraordinary A&E team here in Berlin and I look forward to working with them to continue growing our A&E District to its maximum potential.”

With the re-designation taking effect on June 1, 2015, the Berlin A&E District team will engage residents, business owners, and other community stakeholders to become actively involved in creating a successful A&E District. For more information, contact Ivy Wells at [email protected] or call 410-629-1722.

According to the most recent FY2014 Maryland Arts & Entertainment Districts Economic Impact Analysis, Maryland’s A&E Districts collectively supported:

  • An estimated 6,000 direct, indirect, and induced jobs.
  • More than $198.5 million in total wages nearly $571.4 million in total state GDP.
  • Approximately $38.5 million in total tax revenue impact.

Editor’s Note:

For a copy of the Berlin Arts and Entertainment Map Click here.


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