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Mayor & Council Meeting

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

This packet includes the information for the Utility Fund Work Session as well. The Utility Fund Work Session will begin at 6 PM and the Regularly scheduled Mayor and Council […]

Holiday – Good Friday

No recycling collection. Business trash will be collected on Thursday, April 14 along with regular Thursday trash collection.

Berlin Spring Celebration

Downtown Berlin 14 South Main Street, Berlin, MD, United States

The day will be filled with themed games and crafts, face painting, cupcake walk, egg hunt, food, and much more! The Egg Hunt on the Corner of Washington & West […]

Take Pride in Berlin Week

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

Fun Berlin activities throughout the week ending with Berlin’s Clean-Up Day Saturday, April 23rd. Volunteer to help clean up or beautify one of our parks or areas throughout town! Stay […]

Budget Work Session

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

Utilities Fund FY23 Budget

Special Executive Session of the Mayor and Council

10 Williams Street, Berlin, MD, 21811, United States 10 Williams Street, Berlin, MD, 21811, United States

STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, State Government Article, §10-508(a)(1) To discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of appointees, employees, or officials over […]

Clean-Up Berlin Day

Click here for more information:

Closed Session of the Mayor & Council

Town Hall 10 William Street, Berlin, MD, United States

STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, State Government Article, §10-508(a)(7) To consult with counsel to obtain legal advice on a legal matter Discussion re: Sanitary Sewer Overflows Settlement