Nominees sought for recognition banquet on April 23rd

The annual recognition for outstanding community service known as “The Berlin Award” will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary banquet on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at the Berlin Fire Hall, located on North Main Street.

The banquet, sponsored by the Berlin Lions Club, begins with a social hour at 6 p.m. followed by dinner and a program at 7 p.m.  Tickets at $25 per person may be purchased by phoning Russ Barrett at 410-641-4322. The dinner will feature fried chicken and baked ham with anniversary cake as desert.

The evening promises to be very special and memorable as the program will include projected images and a live narrative that will feature “50 years of memories” of Berlin since the establishment of the Berlin Award in 1965.

Nominations are now being sought for this special 50th Anniversary banquet.  An official nomination form is available below – click on “Download PDF Here”. Nomination forms may also be picked up at Berlin Town Hall and on Main Street at either: PNC Bank, Taylor Bank the Berlin Chamber of Commerce office in the Town’s Welcome Center and both newspaper offices in Berlin.

Nominations must be received by March 16th to be considered for this year’s Berlin Award. Nomination forms should be mailed to: Berlin Award, Attn. Roxanne Williams, 1 South Main Street, Berlin, MD 21811.

The public is invited to add to the evening’s presentation by sharing your favorite memory of Berlin during the past 50 years.  Please mail your favorite memory by US Postal Service mail to RoxAnne Williams, 1 South Main Street, Berlin by April 10th.

The Berlin Award Committee is also asking the public to share your favorite photos of Berlin since 1965 by mailing them or dropping them off to: Favorite Berlin Photos, Berlin Town Hall, 10 William Street, Berlin, MD 21811. All photos must be received by March 18 to be scanned for the Berlin Award Banquet presentation and may be picked-up at Town Hall after April 1st.

The first Berlin Award recipient was Frederick Brueckmann and the most recent recipient was Doug Parks.  The banquet committee encourages past award winners or members of deceased award winners to attend this special 50th anniversary banquet so as many past award winners are represented as possible.



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