(November 2, 2015) – Berlin is creating a new walking initiative as a follow up to our Strategic Planning meetings earlier this year. The initiative will be launched at the 4th Annual “Just Walk, Berlin,” event being held on Saturday, Nov. 14, with registration starting at 9 a.m. at Berlin’s Stephen Decatur Park. The walk begins at 9:45 a.m.

“Residents asked for more recreational activities during our strategic planning and the walking initiatives fit into our recent Healthy Eating, Active Living designation as well,” said Mayor Gee Williams in making the announcement.

As part of Berlin’s Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL) Community designation, the Town is inviting the community to form walking teams for fun and fitness.  “We hope participants will meet new people and make new friends during these activities,” the Mayor added.

There are no complicated forms, no fees to participate, just groups of people with similar interests getting together on a regular basis to walk.  Teams of walkers may be organized around a variety of common interest, including; dog walkers, stroller pushers, book clubs, knitting circles, coffee klatches or other original ideas.

“Already part of a walking group in Berlin, let us know,” said Mary Bohlen, the town’s Administrative Services Director and liaison with the Berlin Parks Commission. “If you are new to the area, but interested in being part of a team, or just let us know what your interests may be and we’ll try to put you in touch with a group,” Bohlen added.  “Someone from each team will be asked to be a team captain.  We need nothing more than a contact person for others interested in joining.”

The fun-walk is co-sponsored by the Worcester County Health Department and the Berlin Parks Commission. This year’s event will include a free raffle ticket for every walker for a Fit Bit™ and more, health screenings, moon bounce and free professional shoe fitting by Vernon Powell.  For more information, please call 410-641-4314 or email [email protected].


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