Pictured r-to-l. Karen Clayland, Xfinity Communities Account Executive, Comcast Beltway Region; Chris Comer, Director, Government & Regulatory Affairs, Comcast Beltway Region; Steve Taylor, Executive Director of Worcester Youth and Family Counseling; Mike Wiley, Chair of the Berlin Parks Commission; and Mary Bohlen, Berlin Deputy Town Administrator. In recognition of the more than 85 volunteers who participated in the April 27, 2019 Berlin Clean-Up Day as part of Comcast Cares Day, a check for $1,689.00 was presented to Worcester Youth and Family Counseling (WYFC) yesterday evening.  WYFC and the Town of Berlin Parks Commission and Mayor and Council thank Comcast and their affiliates for making the 2019 Clean-Up Day a wonderful success.


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Closed Session of the Mayor & Council

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Presidents Day

Presidents Day

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