Berlin New Years Eve Celebration
Berlin New Years Eve Celebration
Ball Drop at 6pm on the corner of Pitts and Main Streets. Event by Town of Berlin and Berlin Main Street, Berlin Arts and Entertainment.
Work Session will take place on-site at the Heron Park facility. There will be no Facebook live stream available.
NOTE: Due to the potentially unsafe environment of the former processing plant, the public may attend on the following conditions:
1. Appropriate footwear must be worn (no open toes/heels).
2. A hardhat or other protective headgear must be worn.
3. Must have a flashlight.
4. A signed Hold Harmless Agreement will be required. Click here for agreement.
For the Press: The conditions above apply.
As this is a Work Session of the Mayor and Council, questions and comments from the public will be entertained at the Mayor’s discretion.