Michele Lemmon April 30, 2024
Interim Director of Communications and Public Relations Direct: 614-540-0898
Cell: 614-301-4986


COLUMBUS, OH: American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) congratulates the Berlin Electric Utility Department for receiving a Diamond Level Excellence in Safety Award and earning a Certificate of Excellence in Reliability during the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) 2024 Engineering & Operations Technical Conference, which took place April 7-10 in New Orleans.

“We are pleased so many AMP Members and AMP staff are recognized for their commitment to safety,” said Jolene Thompson, AMP President/CEO. “Utilities that receive an APPA Safety Award demonstrate that the health and safety of their employees is a core value. Congratulations to our Member communities and to AMP staff for recognition of their steadfast efforts to maintain safe operations.”

Recognized for safety practices (demonstrated by having the lowest safety incident rate within its group), determined by worker-hours of exposure, the Berlin Electric Utility Department was awarded Diamond Level in Group B (15,000 to 29,999 worker-hours of exposure).

According to APPA, more than 160 utilities from across the country entered the annual Safety Awards. Entrants were placed in categories according to their number of worker-hours and ranked based on the most incident-free records and overall state of their safety programs and culture during 2023. The incidence rate, used to judge entries, is based on the number of work-related reportable injuries or illnesses and the number of worker-hours during 2023, as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

The Certificate of Excellence in Reliability recognizes utilities that placed in the top 25 percentile of reliability nationwide in 2023, as measured against the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) data. APPA helps public power systems track outage and restoration data through its eReliability Tracker service and compares the data to national statistics tracked by the EIA. AMP covers the cost of subscription to the eReliability Tracker service for all its Members.


For the official AMP news releases, visit

For a full list of utilities honored with an Excellence in Safety Award, visit

For more information about the APPA eReliability Tracker program and a listing of all recipients of the Certificate of Excellence in Reliability, please visit



American Municipal Power, Inc., (AMP) is the nonprofit wholesale power supplier and services provider for 132 Members, including 131 municipal Members in the states of Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia; as well as the Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation, a joint action agency with eight Delaware municipal members. Combined, these Member utilities serve approximately 650,000 customers. AMP Members receive their power supply from a diversified resource mix that includes wholesale power purchases through AMP and the open market and energy produced at AMP and Memberowned generating facilities utilizing fossil fuel, hydroelectric, solar, wind and other renewable resources. For additional information, visit AMP’s website at


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