Posted on September 1, 2022
Berlin, MD – On Saturday, September 17, 2022 between 12:01 AM and 6:00 AM, the Town of Berlin Electric Utility Department will be making critical repairs to equipment at the Savage Substation, which will require power to be cut to the entire Town system.
Electric Utility Director Tim Lawrence, said, “Because the substation is the main distribution feed for the entire Town Electric grid, taking this equipment off-line for repairs means that it cuts the service to all Berlin Electric customers.” Lawrence noted that conducting the repairs is essential to make sure that the affected equipment continues to operate reliably and to prevent unexpected equipment failure. “The best time to do this is overnight so that it has the least impact on our customers, and we choose the early hours of Saturday to avoid as much inconvenience as possible.”
The work will be postponed if weather is not favorable and the outage will only affect those customers who pay their electric bill to the Town of Berlin, not to Delmarva Power or Choptank.
The system is expected to be offline overnight starting at about midnight and will remain off until around 6:00 AM on Saturday morning.
Anyone with any questions should contact Mr. Lawrence at 410-629-1713 or [email protected], or visit our website at and visit the Electric Department page under the Departments & Services tab.
Categories: News
Tags: Electric, Berlin Electric, Outage